Fritz Hoffmann is an American photographer whose work focuses on culture, the environment and global economics, with a long-term interest in China. He is a contract photographer for NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Magazine. Fritz moved himself to Shanghai in 1995 and was a full time resident photojournalist based there for thirteen years. He studied Mandarin at Shanghai University and has photographed in each of China’s provinces and municipalities numerous times. Fritz opened the NETWORK PHOTOGRAPHERS (UK), Shanghai bureau in 1997, and in 2002 he co-founded documentCHINA, a picture agency based in Shanghai with online distribution for documentary photography of China. Prior to this, Fritz established his place as a respected international photo-correspondent while working with JB PICTURES, New York. Under the JB banner, he moved his base of operations to Nashville, Tennessee just before the first term of US President Bill Clinton increased interest in the American South. (source: fritzhoffman.com)